A typical yearly calendar:

2022-2023 Calendar at-a-Glance 

*For more detailed information about events, you must be a member to login and click >Calendar under the 'Plan' Badge in the menu bar.  The current year's "at a glance" calendar can be found on the private intranet pages.

A Typical Troop Meeting:

6:15 Unit Leaders, Board & Hospitality Arrive
6:20 Girls begin sign in for the meeting (Patrol leaders should arrive)
6:30 Flag Ceremony & Announcements
6:35 Troop Shepherd Prayer & Lesson
6:45 Units Break out for meeting activity
8:00 Girls signed out to parents

Typically, when Omaha Catholic Schools / St Wenceslaus cancel school on the day of an event, the troop event will also be cancelled. However, please check your email for infomration regarding postponement and/or a potential virtual meeting, as sometimes evening activities may be permitted depending on conditions (late start , non-weather reasons, etc.)

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